Karen M. Ridge, PhD
Program Director
T32: Training Program in Lung Science
Please join us in congratulating former NULSTP predoctoral trainee Samuel E. Weinberg, MD, PhD, assistant professor of Pathology, who has been awarded the Burroughs Wellcome Fund Career Award for Medical Scientists. This is a prestigious award given to early career physician-scientists to bridge advanced postdoctoral and fellowship training and the early years of faculty service.
Read more here: Northwestern Resident Wins Prestigious Burroughs Award for Medical Scientists.
Trainee Stories

NULSTP postdoctoral trainee Alexandra McQuattie Hanrahan, MD, was profiled in the Starzl Academy Trainee Stories. She talks about being a mom and a physician scientist and how Feinberg supports her development through the Starzl Academy Physician Scientist Training Program.
A Day in the Life
Meet Manuel

Our Mission
The long-term goal of the Northwestern University Lung Sciences Training Program (NULSTP) is to encourage bright, enthusiastic, well-trained, academically oriented MDs and PhDs to pursue a career in pulmonary biology investigation. The trainees supported by our training grant focus their research efforts on the cellular and molecular pathophysiology of lung disease and the translation of these findings to the bedside. Trainees are provided with the scientific environment, didactic training, and career development mentorship required to initiate a successful career in research. The training fosters an environment for the acquisition of scientific skills, collaborative interactions, and critical thinking required to pursue careers in pulmonary and critical care investigation.
The Training Program in Lung Science is now in its second decade of successfully supporting and training a new generation of pre- and postdoctoral fellows who will focus their research efforts on lung science. Of the predoctoral candidates supported by the award since 2004, 77% remain in academia, and 94% are involved research-intensive or research-related careers or training. Similarly, of the postdoctoral fellows supported by the award since 2004, 83% remain in academia, and 93% remain in research-intensive or research-related careers. This success is attributable to the talented trainees we are fortunate to recruit to our program and the accomplished, highly collaborative group of mentors with whom they train.
Jacob I. Sznajder, MD
Program Director
Program Eligibility and Application Process
We are currently accepting applications for the Training Program in Lung Science for predoctoral and postdoctoral positions. To apply, please send a recommendation letter from your mentor, your CV, and a short cover letter describing your research activities and interest to pulmonary@northwestern.edu with the subject line: Training Program Applicant. The deadline to apply is six months prior to when you would like funding to begin.
Program Eligibility
All candidates for the Northwestern University Lung Sciences Training Program must meet NRSA citizenship and support requirements:
- Citizenship: Any individual to be trained must be a citizen or noncitizen national of the United States or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence at the time of appointment.
- NRSA Support: No individual trainee may receive more than 5 years of aggregate Kirschstein-NRSA support at the predoctoral level and 3 years of aggregate Kirschstein-NRSA support at the postdoctoral level, including any combination of support from Kirschstein-NRSA institutional research training grants and individual fellowships.
For more information on NRSA eligibility requirements, see the NIH Grants Policy Statement on Kirschstein-NRSA grants.
Predoctoral Applicant Eligibility
The Northwestern University Lung Sciences Training Program has funding to support three predoctoral trainees. Predoctoral trainees from the following programs are eligible to apply:
- Driskoll Graduate Program (DGP)
- Interdepartmental Biological Sciences Program (IBiS)
- Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP)
- Biomedical Engineering Program (BME)
- Material Science and Engineering Program (MSE)
All predoctoral applicants should have completed their rotations and required coursework and passed their qualifying examinations.
Postdoctoral Applicant Eligibility
The Northwestern University Lung Sciences Training Program has funding to support five postdoctoral trainees. Applicants should be recent PhD postdoctoral fellows with at least one year of training or MD physicians in our fellowship program with at least two years of training in clinical pulmonary and critical care medicine, who aspire to pursue an academic career and have conducted research with one of the mentors of the NULSTP.
Application Process and Deadlines
We are currently accepting applications for the Training Program in Lung Science for predoctoral and postdoctoral positions. To apply, please send a recommendation letter from your mentor, your CV, and a short cover letter describing your research activities and interest to pulmonary@northwestern.edu with the subject line: Training Program Applicant. The deadline to apply is six months prior to when you would like funding to begin.
Current NULSTP Trainees
Meet current trainees and learn more about their research projects. All trainee publications may be viewed on PubMed.
Predoctoral Scholars
McKenzie Fulcer
Mentor: Karen M. Ridge, PhD
McKenzie Fulcer’s research focuses on mechanisms of lung repair and recovery following viral infection. Influenza A virus infection damages type II alveolar epithelial (AT2) cells, leading to accumulation of mitochondrial DNA and subsequent activation of the cGAS-STING pathway to induce type I interferons and inflammatory cytokines. It is known that overactivation of this pathway leads to inflammatory diseases and that patients who develop idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis show increased cGAS-STING pathway activation. However, the role played by AT2 cells in overactivation of the innate immune response after viral clearance and its impacts on alveolar repair is unclear. To shed more light on this pathway, in the laboratory of Karen M. Ridge, PhD, Fulcer is investigating cGAS-STING pathway activation and immune response of AT2 cells following viral infection and clearance.
Selected Publications:
Jonathan Gurkan
Mentor: Benjamin D. Singer, MD
Jonathan Gurkan’s research examines fatty acid metabolism as a determinant of regulatory T (Treg) cell function during viral pneumonia, when the lungs undergo significant damage. Treg cells, a subset of CD4+ T cells, maintain immune self-tolerance and mediate the resolution of lung injury during viral pneumonia by suppressing overexuberant inflammatory responses and facilitating tissue protection and repair. Gurkan’s research in the laboratory of Benjamin D. Singer, MD is centered on the necessity of mitochondrial fatty acid metabolism in Treg cells to protect the host from excessive tissue damage during influenza viral pneumonia. The understanding of how cellular metabolism dictates Treg cell function will further elucidate processes that help protect the lung during viral pneumonia and in turn allow for the development of interventions that improve outcomes for patients in the intensive care unit (ICU) with severe viral pneumonia.
Selected Publications:
- FOXP3+ regulatory T cells require TBET to regulate activated CD8+ T cells during recovery from influenza infection. Mambetsariev N, et al. 2024, preprint. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.05.30.596295.
- AMP-activated protein kinase is necessary for Treg cell functional adaptation to microenvironmental stress. Torres Acosta MA, et al. 2023, preprint. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.11.29.568904.
Tatiana Ortiz Serrano
Mentor: Karen M. Ridge, PhD
Tatiana Ortiz Serrano’s research explores modulation of the cellular immune response to influenza A virus (IAV) infection by the intermediate filament protein vimentin. Preliminary data suggest vimentin-null mice are protected from IAV-induced lung injury without compromising recruitment of monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages (MoAMs), viral replication, or viral clearance; and that vimentin-null MoAMs exhibit a dampened inflammatory response and enhanced pro-repair function. Ortiz Serrano hypothesizes that modulation of vimentin expression in MoAMs alters their pro-inflammatory phenotype, promoting lung repair after viral pneumonia. To test this hypothesis, in the laboratory of Karen M. Ridge, PhD, she will implement a MoAM-specific genetic lineage tracing system and inducible vimentin deletion strategy in a murine model of IAV pneumonia.
Selected Publications:
- The cGAS-STING pathway: The role of self-DNA sensing in inflammatory lung disease. Ma R, et al. FASEB J. 2020 Oct;34(10):13156-13170. PMID: 32860267.
Postdoctoral Scholars
Thomas Bolig, MD
Mentor: Alan R. Hauser, MD, PhD
Thomas Bolig's research under the mentorship of Alan Ar. Hauser, MD, PhD focuses on Pseudomonas aeruginosa pathogenesis in pneumonia. This involves the use of transposon-insertion sequencing techniques to investigate conditionally essential genes that cause pneumonia among phylogenetically divergent clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa. Transposon-insertion sequencing mutant libraries of P. aeruginosa are used in a murine model of pneumonia and will be applied to an ex vivo human lung model. The analysis of conditionally essential genes in the bacterium is complemented by analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data of human bronchoalveolar lavage samples to assess differential immune responses among P. aeruginosa clinical isolates and correlating these data with clinical outcomes.
Selected Publications:
- Individual target pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic attainment rates among meropenem-treated patients admitted to the ICU with hospital-acquired pneumonia. Rohani R, et al. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2022 Oct 28;77(11):2956-2959. PMID: 35869779.
Amy Ludwig, MD
Mentor: Ravi Kalhan, MD, MS
Amy Ludwig's research project focuses on recovery from pneumonia. There is now substantial evidence that the bulk of morbidity and mortality from community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is in the years following the acute illness, including acceleration of cardiovascular disease, exacerbation of chronic lung disease, neurocognitive defects, and mortality. The long-term mortality risk after pneumonia is more than double in prospective cohorts of age-matched patients, even in young adults with no chronic lung disease or comorbidities. Current research efforts focus on identifying risk factors during the acute illness that may predict long-term morbidity, as well as acceleration of underlying chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease that mainly affect older adults. However, few studies have identified factors predictive of respiratory or cardiovascular-related morbidity in early life, when prevention strategies are the most effective. There is a gap in knowledge in the specific health burdens following CAP in young adults, despite the increasingly recognized role of pneumonia as a risk factor for de novo chronic disease in addition to acceleration of underlying comorbidities. Under the mentorship of Ravi Kalhan, MD, MS, Ludwig will investigate clinical phenotypes of recovery in young adults after pneumonia, which in turn will allow us to mechanistically link lung infection to pulmonary and extrapulmonary sequelae.
Selected Publications:
- Profibrotic monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages are expanded in patients with persistent respiratory symptoms and radiographic abnormalities after COVID-19. Bailey JI, et al. Nat Immunol.
2024 Nov;25(11):2097-2109. PMID: 39367123.
- Interhospital transfer of patients with acute respiratory failure in the United States: A scoping review. Ludwig A, et al. Crit Care Explor. 2024 Jul 5;6(7):e1120. PMID: 38968159.
- Implementation of an interdisciplinary transfer huddle intervention for prolonged wait times during inter-ICU transfer. Hyder S, et al. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2024 May;50(5):371-376. PMID: 38378394.
- Multidisciplinary center care for long COVID syndrome—a retrospective cohort study. Bailey J, et al. Am J Med. 2023 May 22:S0002-9343(23)00328-5. PMID: 37220832.
- Asthma and coronavirus disease 2019–related outcomes in hospitalized patients: A single-center experience. Ludwig A, et al. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2022 Jul;129(1):79-87.e6. PMID: 35342017.
Alexandra McQuattie Hanrahan, MD
Mentor: Douglas E. Vaughan, MD
As the COVID-19 pandemic unfolds it is important to study lung function during aging. Advanced age is the most important risk factor for severe lung disease. Strategies targeting aging are key to preserve lung function. Alexandra Hanrahan is interested in aging research and under the mentorship of Douglas E. Vaughan, MD is studying the effect of PAI-1 haploinsufficiency on pulmonary structure and function. It has been documented in the literature that dysregulated PAI-1 is a critical contributor in stress-induced murine lung aging pathologies including sustained inflammation, senescence, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, and vascular thrombosis. She plans to investigate PAI-1 deficiency and/or pharmacological inhibition of PAI-1 in preventing stress-induced lung aging pathologies.
Selected Publications:
- Aging is associated with a systemic length-associated transcriptome imbalance. Stoeger T, et al. Nat Aging. 2022 Dec;2(12):1191-1206. PMID: 37118543.
- Resetting proteostasis with ISRIB promotes epithelial differentiation to attenuate pulmonary fibrosis. Watanabe S, et al. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2021 May 18;118(20):e2101100118. PMID: 33972447.
- The lung microenvironment shapes a dysfunctional response of alveolar macrophages in aging. McQuattie-Pimentel AC, Ren Z, et al. J Clin Invest. 2021 Feb 15;131(4):e140299. PMID: 33586677.
- Impaired phagocytic function in CX3CR1+ tissue-resident skeletal muscle macrophages prevents muscle recovery after influenza A virus-induced pneumonia in old mice. Runyan CE, et al. Aging Cell. 2020 Sep;19(9):e13180. PMID: 32720752.
- A spatially restricted fibrotic niche in pulmonary fibrosis is sustained by M-CSF/M-CSFR signalling in monocyte-derived alveolar macrophages. Joshi N, et al. Eur Respir J. 2020 Jan 16;55(1):1900646. PMID: 31601718.
Ashley Smith-Nuñez, MD
Mentor: Ravi Kalhan, MD, MS
Ashley Smith-Nuñez researches lung cancer survivorship and survivorship care, a field that has gained prominence due to advancements in early detection and treatment. The definition of survivorship has evolved to encompass individuals from the time of diagnosis, promoting a holistic approach to patient care. Some populations have higher incidences of lung cancer, are diagnosed at a later stage, and have poorer outcomes. In addition, the needs of these populations are frequently poorly understood and under-researched. Smith-Nuñez’s work under the mentorship of Ravi Kalhan, MD, MS and Marquita Lewis-Thames, PhD aims to characterize the experiences and needs of lung cancer survivors. Through community engagement and qualitative methods, she will collaborate with community organizations to conduct studies that amplify the voices of patients, with the ultimate goal of enhancing care for all lung cancer survivors.
Selected Publications:
- Distinctive evolution of alveolar T cell responses is associated with clinical outcomes in unvaccinated patients with SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia. Markov NS, et al. Nat Immunol. 2024 Sep;25(9):1607-1622. PMID: 39138384.
Participating Mentors
A strength of the NULSTP faculty is the extent to which they collaborate. As shown below, most NULSTP faculty mentors have had meaningful academic interactions with each other in the form of co-authorship in the past 5 years. Many of these collaborations have been stimulated by interactions between our NULSTP trainees.
Special thanks to Mao Soulakis and the Research Assessment and Communications Department of the Galter Health Sciences Library for generating these data and creating this visual.
Hiam Abdala-Valencia, PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Research Interest: Application of next-generation sequencing technology and integrative “wet” lab approaches to basic and translational research of lung diseases
Training Role: Preceptor
Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
Research Interest: VEGF and Notch signaling in altering endothelial barrier function; mechanisms driving these pathways and their effect on vascular resilience during stress, including aging and COVID-19
Training Role: Preceptor
Kelly E. Bachta, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases)
Research Interest: In vivo infection dynamics of Pseudomonas aeruginosa using next-generation sequencing and animal models, better understanding of antimicrobial resistance in P. aeruginosa
Training Role: Preceptor In-Training
Ankit Bharat, MBBS
Professor of Surgery (Thoracic Surgery) and Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Research Interest: Lung preservation, transplant immunology, and airway biology; molecular mechanisms used by nonclassical monocytes retained in the donor lung in mediating primary graft dysfunction
Training Role: Preceptor
Rosemary Braun, PhD, MPH
Associate Professor of Molecular Biosciences
Research Interest: Computational biology; development of methods for integrative, systems-level analysis of high-dimensional *omic “big” data, and the collaborative application of these methods to investigate the genomic causes of disease
Training Role: Preceptor
G. R. Scott Budinger, MD
Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care) and Cell and Developmental Biology
Research Interest: Acute respiratory failure, aging, and viral pneumonia; mechanisms driving changes in lung proteostasis resulting in altered innate immune response in alveolar macrophages during injury and repair
Training Role: Associate Program Director of Recruitment, Career Development, and Retention; Preceptor
Mercedes Carnethon, PhD
Professor of Preventative Medicine (Epidemiology) and Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Research Interest: Cardiovascular disease epidemiology
Training Role: Preceptor
Navdeep S. Chandel, PhD
Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care) and Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
Research Interest: Mitochondria as signaling organelles
Training Role: Preceptor
Bria Marielle Coates, MD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (Critical Care)
Research Interest: Differences in the inflammatory response to viral respiratory infections in children and adults
Training Role: Preceptor
Laura Dada, PhD
Research Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Research Interest: Acute lung injury, alveolar epithelial cell biology, effect of hypoxia and hypercapnia on lung function, and ubiquitination in lung disease
Training Role: Preceptor
Stephanie C. Eisenbarth, MD, PhD
Professor of Medicine (Allergy and Immunology) and Pathology
Research Interest: How dendritic cells, B cells, and T cells interact to induce tailored adaptive immune responses in the spleen, lung, and gut
Training Role: Preceptor
Khalilah Latrece Gates, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care) and Medical Education
Research Interest: Pulmonary infections, COPD, asthma, and sepsis; UME critical care education, strategies for creating welcoming educational and clinical environments
Training Role: Preceptor
Cara J. Gottardi, PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care) and Cell and Developmental Biology
Research Interest: Molecular mechanisms of cell-cell adhesion regulation required for normal tissue morphogenesis; how alterations in cell adhesion complexes drive disease states such as cancer, fibrosis, and asthma
Training Role: Preceptor
SeungHye Han, MD, MPH
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Research Interest: Molecular mechanisms of mitochondrial metabolism and cellular metabolism that affect lung epithelial stem cell function and fate, in the context of lung development and lung repair after injury
Training Role: Preceptor In-Training
Erica Hartmann, PhD
Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Research Interest: Understanding at the molecular level how microbial communities respond to anthropogenic chemicals and using that information to control the spread of undesirable traits such as antibiotic resistance
Training Role: Preceptor
Alan R. Hauser, MD, PhD
Professor of Microbiology-Immunology and Medicine (Infectious Diseases)
Research Interest: Pathogenesis of healthcare-associated bacterial pathogens
Training Role: Preceptor
Curt Horvath, PhD
Professor of Molecular Biosciences
Research Interest: Signal transduction and gene expression in mammalian cells
Training Role: Preceptor
Judd F. Hultquist, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Infectious Diseases) and Microbiology-Immunology
Research Interest: Development and adaptation of high-throughput, quantitative, systems-based approaches for use in primary models of disease to better understand the host-pathogen relationship
Training Role: Preceptor
Manu Jain, MD
Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care) and Pediatrics
Research Interest: Respiratory diseases, cytokines, lungs and breathing problems—ARDS, sepsis, and cystic fibrosis—bacterial genotypic and phenotypic diversity, and mechanisms of fibrosis in lung disease
Training Role: Preceptor
Ravi Kalhan, MD, MS
Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care) and Preventative Medicine (Epidemiology)
Research Interest: Asthma, COPD, and respiratory epidemiology; understanding impaired respiratory health as an intermediate phenotype that precedes chronic lung disease
Training Role: Associate Program Director of Curriculum Development and Evaluation, Preceptor
Alexander V. Misharin, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Research Interest: Macrophage biology in the context of lung diseases
Training Role: Preceptor
Luisa Morales-Nebreda, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Research Interest: Intercellular signaling pathways between immune cell subsets and the injured alveolar endothelium that promote tissue repair
Training Role: Preceptor In-Training
Guillermo Oliver, PhD
Professor of Medicine (Nephrology and Hypertension)
Research Interest: Genetics of normal and pathological organogenesis in lymphatic vasculature
Training Role: Preceptor
Pablo Penaloza-MacMaster, PhD
Assistant Professor of Microbiology-Immunology
Research Interest: Basic mechanisms of T cell and B cell regulation, mechanisms by which immune checkpoints and type I interferons regulate adaptive immunity
Training Role: Preceptor
Harris R. Perlman, PhD
Professor of Medicine (Rheumatology)
Research Interest: Role of co-morbidities in rheumatoid arthritis, macrophage heterogeneity in the target organs (synovium, kidney, and lung) of rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and systemic sclerosis
Training Role: Preceptor
Chiagozie I. Pickens, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Research Interest: To validate and improve the diagnosis and management of severe pneumonia in critically ill patients
Training Role: Preceptor In-Training
Murali Prakriya, PhD
Professor of Pharmacology and Medicine (Allergy and Immunology)
Research Interest: Molecular and cellular mechanisms of intracellular calcium signaling
Training Role: Preceptor
Karen M. Ridge, PhD
Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care) and Cell and Developmental Biology
Research Interest: Immunologic mechanisms that modify cellular responses in the lung that promote inflammation and contribute to lung tissue damage and aberrant remodeling
Training Role: Program Director/Principal Investigator, Preceptor
Ali Shilatifard, PhD
Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, Pediatrics, and Chemistry
Research Interest: Molecular mechanisms underlying leukemogenesis and potential targets for therapy through detailed studies of proteins and protein complexes that regulate chromatin modifications, transcription initiation, and transcription elongation
Training Role: Preceptor
Benjamin D. Singer, MD
Associate Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care) and Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics
Research Interest: DNA methylation as a determinant of T cell function in the injured lung
Training Role: Preceptor
Peter H. Sporn, MD
Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care), Cell and Developmental Biology, and Medical Education
Research Interest: Airway inflammation and remodeling; mechanical stress and airway remodeling; hypercapnia and innate immunity in the lung
Training Role: Preceptor
Justin B. Starren, MD, PhD, FACMI
Professor of Preventative Medicine (Health and Biomedical Informatics) and Medical Social Sciences (Determinants of Health)
Research Interest: Biomedical informatics, health informatics, data science, precision medicine, computational biology, information systems, internet intervention, medical informatics, and postgraduate medical education
Training Role: Preceptor
Whitney W. Stevens, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Allergy and Immunology) and Otolaryngology - Head and Neck Surgery
Research Interest: Aspirin exacerbated respiratory disease (AERD), chronic rhinosinusitis, and asthma
Training Role: Preceptor In-Training
Thomas Stoeger, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Research Interest: Novel research directions for understanding and ultimately mitigating human aging and lung disease associated with aging
Training Role: Preceptor In-Training
Jacob I. Sznajder, MD
Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care) and Cell and Developmental Biology
Research Interest: Acute respiratory failure, alveolar epithelial cell biology, and effect of hypoxia and hypercapnia on lung and muscle function; proteostasis and ubiquitination in lung disease
Training Role: Program Director/Principal Investigator, Preceptor
Douglas E. Vaughan, MD
Professor of Medicine (Cardiology)
Research Interest: Role of the plasminogen activation system in tissue repair, fibrosis, and thrombosis
Training Role: Preceptor
Deborah Winter, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine (Rheumatology)
Research Interest: Mapping the gene regulatory networks of immune cells in health and disease, particularly macrophages in sarcoidosis
Training Role: Preceptor
Richard G. Wunderink, MD
Professor of Medicine (Pulmonary and Critical Care)
Research Interest: Diagnosis, pathogenesis, epidemiology, treatment, and prevention of infections in the critically ill, especially community-acquired pneumonia and hospital-acquired pneumonia; quality improvement in the ICU; septic shock; acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)
Training Role: Preceptor
T32 Steering Committee
- Karen M. Ridge, PhD: Program Director
- Jacob I. Sznajder, MD: Program Director
- G. R. Scott Budinger, MD: Associate Program Director
- Ravi Kalhan, MD, MS: Associate Program Director
- Khalilah Gates, MD: Associate Program Director
Program Expectations and FAQ
Each trainee is expected to:
- Have their research results accepted for publication.
- Attend all Pulmonary Research In Progress conferences.
- Present their research at our Lung Symposium.
- Complete the Responsible Conduct of Research course.
- Submit an abstract to and attend a national or international conference related to their research.
- Create an Individual Development Plan with their mentor which will be reviewed annually.
The training grant provides:
- Stipend support for the development of physician, predoctoral, and postdoctoral research scientists.
- Mentorship by senior investigators.
- The laboratory environment, training, and supervision required for the development of independent investigators.
- Educational resources in the form of didactic courses, invited speakers, and collaborative interactions that will foster the skills required for an independent research career.
- Administrative structure that will facilitate the trainee’s acquisition of protected time from activities not directly related to research.
What is a payback obligation and how do I know if I incur one?
Any postdoctoral NRSA trainee or fellow incurs a payback obligation during their first year of support. Predoctoral NRSA trainees do not incur a payback obligation. Payback means that you will perform qualified research or teaching activities for a length of time equal to the period of NRSA support you received. Receiving 12 months of postdoctoral training support obligates you to perform 12 months of qualified research or teaching activities as payback. Only the first year of training incurs a payback obligation; the second year of training pays back the first year, with each month of qualifying payback activity paying back one month of NRSA support. If you receive two full years of NRSA training, you will have completed your payback obligation. In general, payback activity must involve at least 20 hours per week and be conducted over 12 consecutive months. Special exceptions to these requirements may be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Additional resources on payback obligations can be found on the NIH website, along with separate payback FAQs.
Trainee Resources
All trainees are encouraged to take advantage of the following resources:
- Department of Medicine New Investigator Career Enhancement (NICE) group
Contact Jennifer Felten with any questions - NIH T32 Kiosk
- Taking Responsibility for the Responsible Conduct of Research
- NUCATS Center for Education and Career Development